Chile Músicos

Versión completa: Sobre cambio de pickguard-apantallado y coneccion a tierra en cuerpo, en Stratocaster
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Tengo una Stratocaster American Standard del 2008.

Quiero cambiar las capsulas, por estilo Gilmour y en este sitio lo venden , con algunas customizaciones.

Mi duda surge con un cable para conectar a tierra en el cuerpo de la guitarra, ya que quiero apantallar las cavidades de la guitarra y no entiendo si ese cable lo necesito o nó:

"Body Ground Connection: Most of the modern American Strat® bodies (not vintage re-issue Strat's) have a ground wire connection inside the conductive paint shielded control cavity in the body that is fastened down with a small wood screw. Click here for an illustration of this body ground connection. Most Mexican Strat® bodies we have encountered do not have this body ground connection, but it has come to our attention that 2006 and newer Standard Strat's® made in Mexico may have this feature to connect the ground of the electronics to the conductive paint shielded control cavity, check yours to be sure. Unless your bodies control cavity is shielded and you plan on connecting a ground wire from the electronics to the shielded control cavity then select "No" for this option. If you select YES for the "Body Ground" option and do not have the solder lug (ring eyelet) and mounting screw to attach this wire to your body, then you can add it to your order"

[Imagen: bodyground.jpg]

si alguien me pudiera explicar, en conceptos basicos.

no es necesario instalar aquello, pero puedes sacarlo, apuntalar y ponerlo sobre el apuntalado para crear una conexión adicional a tierra, que nunca es malo.